Source code for leicascanningtemplate.template

import time, re
from lxml import objectify, etree
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]class ScanningTemplate(object): """Python object of Leica LAS Matrix Screener Scanning Template XML. Provides easy access to elements via attributes: >>> tmpl = ScanningTemplate('{ScanningTemplate}tmpl.xml') >>> # attributes of MatrixScreenerTemplate/ScanningTemplate/Properties >>> print( Parameters ---------- filename : str XML to load. Attributes ---------- root : lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement Objectified root of loaded XML. See """ def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename tree = objectify.parse(filename) self.root = tree.getroot() @property def properties(self): "Short hand for ``self.root.ScanningTemplate.Properties``" return self.root.ScanningTemplate.Properties # WELLS @property def well_array(self): "Short hand for ``self.root.ScanWellArray``" return self.root.ScanWellArray @property def wells(self): """All ScanWellData elements. Returns ------- list of objectify.ObjectifiedElement """ try: return self.root.ScanWellArray.ScanWellData[:] except AttributeError: return []
[docs] def well_fields(self, well_x=1, well_y=1): """All ScanFieldData elements of given well. Parameters ---------- well_x : int well_y : int Returns ------- list of lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement All ScanFieldData elements of given well. """ xpath = './ScanFieldArray/ScanFieldData' xpath += _xpath_attrib('WellX', well_x) xpath += _xpath_attrib('WellY', well_y) return self.root.findall(xpath)
[docs] def well(self, well_x=1, well_y=1): """ScanWellData of specific well. Parameters ---------- well_x : int well_y : int Returns ------- lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement """ xpath = './ScanWellData' xpath += _xpath_attrib('WellX', well_x) xpath += _xpath_attrib('WellY', well_y) # assume we find only one return self.well_array.find(xpath)
[docs] def well_attrib(self, well_x=1, well_y=1): """Attributes of specific well. Parameters ---------- well_x : int well_y : int Returns ------- dict Attributes of ScanWellArray/ScanWellData. """ return self.well(well_x, well_y).attrib # FIELDS
@property def field_array(self): "Short hand for ``self.root.ScanFieldArray``" return self.root.ScanFieldArray @property def fields(self): """All ScanFieldData elements. Returns ------- list of objectify.ObjectifiedElement """ try: return self.root.ScanFieldArray.ScanFieldData[:] except AttributeError: return []
[docs] def field(self, well_x=1, well_y=1, field_x=1, field_y=1): """ScanFieldData of specified field. Parameters ---------- well_x : int well_y : int field_x : int field_y : int Returns ------- lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement ScanFieldArray/ScanFieldData element. """ xpath = './ScanFieldArray/ScanFieldData' xpath += _xpath_attrib('WellX', well_x) xpath += _xpath_attrib('WellY', well_y) xpath += _xpath_attrib('FieldX', field_x) xpath += _xpath_attrib('FieldY', field_y) # assume we find only one return self.root.find(xpath)
[docs] def update_start_position(self): "Set start position of experiment to position of first field." x_start = self.field_array.ScanFieldData.FieldXCoordinate y_start = self.field_array.ScanFieldData.FieldYCoordinate # empty template have all fields positions set to zero # --> avoid overwriting start position if x_start != 0 and y_start != 0: = int(x_start * 1e6) # in um = int(y_start * 1e6)
[docs] def update_well_positions(self): """Set ``well_attrib['FieldXStartCoordinate']`` and ``well_attrib['FieldYStartCoordinate']`` to FieldXCoordinate and FieldYCoordinate of first field in well. """ for well in self.wells: well_x = well.attrib['WellX'] well_y = well.attrib['WellY'] first_field = self.well_fields(well_x, well_y)[0] x_start = first_field.FieldXCoordinate.text y_start = first_field.FieldYCoordinate.text well.attrib['FieldXStartCoordinate'] = x_start well.attrib['FieldYStartCoordinate'] = y_start
@property def count_of_wells(self): """Number of wells in x/y-direction of template. Returns ------- tuple (xs, ys) number of wells in x and y direction. """ xs = set([w.attrib['WellX'] for w in self.wells]) ys = set([w.attrib['WellY'] for w in self.wells]) return (len(xs), len(ys)) @property def count_of_assigned_jobs(self): "Number of fields that have attrib['JobAssigned'] set to true." assigned = len([x.attrib['JobAssigned'] for x in self.fields if x.attrib['JobAssigned'] == 'true']) return assigned
[docs] def update_counts(self): "Update counts of fields and wells." # Properties.attrib['TotalCountOfFields'] fields = str(len(self.fields))['TotalCountOfFields'] = fields # Properties.CountOfWellsX/Y wx, wy = (str(x) for x in self.count_of_wells) = wx = wy # Properties.attrib['TotalCountOfWells'] wells = str(len(self.wells))['TotalCountOfWells'] = wells # Properties.attrib['TotalAssignedJobs']['TotalAssignedJobs'] = str(self.count_of_assigned_jobs)
[docs] def remove_well(self, well_x, well_y): """Remove well and associated scan fields. Parameters ---------- well_x : int well_y : int Raises ------ AttributeError If well not found. """ well = self.well(well_x, well_y) if well == None: raise AttributeError('Well not found') self.well_array.remove(well) # remove associated fields fields = self.well_fields(well_x, well_y) for f in fields: self.field_array.remove(f)
[docs] def well_exists(self, well_x, well_y): "Check if well exists in ScanWellArray." return self.well(well_x, well_y) != None
[docs] def field_exists(self, well_x, well_y, field_x, field_y): "Check if field exists ScanFieldArray." return self.field(well_x, well_y, field_x, field_y) != None
[docs] def add_well(self, well_x, well_y, start_x, start_y): """Add well with associated scan fields. ``self.wells[0]`` and ``self.fields[0]`` will be used as base. ScanWellData will be added to ScanWellArray and ScanFieldData to ScanFieldArray. The amount of fields added is decided by Properties/CountOfScanFields. Parameters ---------- well_x : int well_y : int start_x : int In meters. FieldXCoordinate of first field in well. start_y : int In meters. FieldYCoordinate of first field in well. Raises ------ ValueError If well or fields already exists. """ # raise ValueError if well already exists if self.well_exists(well_x, well_y): raise ValueError('Well already exists in ScanWellArray') if len(self.well_fields(well_x, well_y)) != 0: raise ValueError('Fields belonging to well already exists in ScanFieldArray') base_well = deepcopy(self.wells[0]) # append well to ScanWellArray base_well.attrib['WellX'] = str(well_x) base_well.attrib['WellY'] = str(well_y) base_well.attrib['FieldXStartCoordinate'] = str(start_x) base_well.attrib['FieldYStartCoordinate'] = str(start_y) self.well_array.append(base_well) # append fields to ScanFieldArray x_fields = int( y_fields = int( x_dist = float( * 1e-6 # in um y_dist = float( * 1e-6 x_label = str([well_x - 1]) y_label = str([well_y - 1]) for i in range(x_fields): for j in range(y_fields): base_field = deepcopy(self.fields[0]) base_field.FieldXCoordinate = start_x + i*x_dist base_field.FieldYCoordinate = start_y + j*y_dist base_field.attrib['WellX'] = str(well_x) base_field.attrib['WellY'] = str(well_y) base_field.attrib['FieldX'] = str(i+1) base_field.attrib['FieldY'] = str(j+1) base_field.attrib['LabelX'] = x_label base_field.attrib['LabelY'] = y_label self.field_array.append(base_field)
[docs] def move_well(self, well_x, well_y, start_x, start_y): """Move well and associated scan fields. Spacing between fields will be what Properties/ScanFieldStageDistance is set to. Parameters ---------- well_x : int well_y : int start_x : int In meters. FieldXCoordinate of first field in well. start_y : int In meters. FieldYCoordinate of first field in well. Raises ------ ValueError If specified well or associated fields does not exist. """ # raise ValueError if well or fields doesnt exist if not self.well_exists(well_x, well_y): raise ValueError('Well not found in ScanWellArray') fields = self.well_fields(well_x, well_y) if len(fields) == 0: raise ValueError('Fields belonging to well not found in ScanFieldArray') well = self.well(well_x, well_y) # update well start coordinate well.attrib['FieldXStartCoordinate'] = str(start_x) well.attrib['FieldYStartCoordinate'] = str(start_y) # update fields coordinates x_dist = float( * 1e-6 # in um y_dist = float( * 1e-6 for field in fields: i = int(field.attrib['FieldX']) j = int(field.attrib['FieldY']) field.FieldXCoordinate = start_x + (i - 1)*x_dist field.FieldYCoordinate = start_y + (j - 1)*y_dist
[docs] def write(self, filename=None): """Save template to xml. Before saving template will update date, start position, well positions, and counts. Parameters ---------- filename : str If not set, XML will be written to self.filename. """ if not filename: filename = self.filename # update time = _current_time() # set rubber band to true = 'true' # update start position self.update_start_position() # update well postions self.update_well_positions() # update counts self.update_counts() # remove py:pytype attributes objectify.deannotate(self.root) # remove namespaces added by lxml for child in self.root.iterchildren(): etree.cleanup_namespaces(child) xml = etree.tostring(self.root, encoding='utf8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) # fix format quirks # add carriage return character xml = u'\r\n'.join(l.decode(encoding='utf8') for l in xml.splitlines()) # add space at "end/>" --> "end />" xml = re.sub(r'(["a-z])/>', r'\1 />', xml) xml = xml.replace("version='1.0' encoding='utf8'", 'version="1.0"') with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(xml.encode('utf8'))
def _current_time(): "Time formatted as `Monday, February 09, 2015 | 8:12 PM`" return time.strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y | %I:%M %p') def _xpath_attrib(attrib, value): """Returns string ``[@attrib="value"]``. """ return '[@' + str(attrib) + '="' + str(value) + '"]'